Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Mr Weston, that's remarkable!", said the Doctor.

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. There has never been a time when I have left the Doctors feeling so healthy. All the way there I was thinking to myself 'I wonder if my cholesterol has come down? If it hasn't then I'm going to have to make even more changes cause I'm not going to take a tablet, I'll tell him what to do with his bloody tablet!'

My Doctor went on to say, "This is the reason I got into medicine in the first place, it's about prevention. Too many patients come in with their hand out expecting drugs to fix their problem and then they go back to their unhealthy way of life, this is rather refreshing Mr Weston." He had a smile on his face too.

My Cholesterol is now 4.4 - down from 6.4. Liver Function, Kidney Function, Blood Sugar are all normal and my Blood Pressure is perfect. What a huge relief! It's the best news I've had in a long time.
I'm going back to have it all tested again in 3 months. If all the levels stay the same, or, better still, improve, then I'll know I'm on the right track. In June I'm going to be 45. Apparently at 45 Australian males are considered half way through their lives and it's recommended that they have a Half Life Test, a Major Service so to speak. My Doctor says that if I continue on this path that he has no doubt that I'll live to be 90. Stuff that! I'm planning on living to be at least 100.

Current weight ~ 89kgs. A total loss of 10.4kgs.  Woo Hoo!

Wanna know a secret?  It's a bit strange........  now when I look at myself I see fat. Figure that one out! At my biggest (137kgs) I used to look in the mirror and my 'self talk' would say 'yeah, I'm a little over weight, I could lose a couple of kilos, I'm not as big as some guys.' The only person I was kidding was my self. I was a big, fat, unhealthy man in denial!

This is 10 Kgs of Butter (FAT) with a 20 cent coin,
in the last 2.5 years I have lost over 4 times this

89 Kgs
New Summer Wardrobe will
be part of my reward.

125 kgs
Hope this doesn't offend you
as much as it offends me!

Holding 10 kgs of FAT

Next week will be my last Blog for the year. I'm hoping to lose at least another 2 kgs before I go away for my Christmas Holiday. I will report my progress, the final amount we have managed to raise for the Cancer Council of WA and my Thank you to my support team.
