Monday, October 25, 2010

Shock Horror!

It's taken me a few extra days to write this cause I've done the unthinkable - - - PUT ON WEIGHT, and I was hoping that if I left it a few days I may be able to cover it up a little by loosing it again and writing about it later. But, as promised at the start, I am keeping it real so here I am to 'fess up.' I weighed in as usual last Wednesday and to my dismay I had put on a kilo. Current weight 95.4kgs - (sigh) Now I feel like I'm 2 weeks behind and the pressure is on.

How did this happen? I went away for a few days down south to catch up with family and I ate and drank too much. At the risk of sounding like a real lush I probably drank more than I ate and now I'm paying the price. We went out for a family dinner and I had Lemon Meringue Pie. You know the ones that sit tall and look awesome in those cafe display cabinets, they always look better than they taste, always, and I know this. I actually know this and I still had it. I also went out to Breakfast twice and, although I didn't have any carbs, it was still more than I'd usually eat. Add to this that I missed out on one days Training and was basically inactive most of the time I was there and it's pretty easy to work out where I stuffed it all up.

As I write this I'm still 1kg up and it's two days till my next weigh-in.

David & Craig have been so supportive helping me bring it all into perspective and getting my balance back. This week I'm getting an additional Training session in with Craig (here comes that "Body Shock") We're off to do Jacobs Ladder tomorrow and I'm really looking forward to it. Craig runs up and down it several times every week and I haven't even walked up it once yet so this is going to be interesting (for the want of another word....)

I haven't been sleeping that well the last few days, I keep waking in the middle of the night and find it near impossible to get back to sleep. By the time I do it seems like the alarm goes off. Weight management is not all about nutrition and Training, apparently sleep, down time and rest are all vitally important. David is teaching me the importance of all of this but I still have so much to learn. Lifestyle Improvers are the full package, I honestly can't thank them enough.

So with that in mind I'm off to bed.


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