Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Can Do Anything!


Wed   1    99.4kg   
Wed   8    98          1.4kg loss
Wed  15   96.9       1.1
Wed  22   95.3       1.6
Wed  29   95.3       Nil


Wed   6    95.2kg   100gm
Wed   13  94.4       800gm
Wed   20  95.4       1kg GAIN
Wed   27  94.6       800gm


Wed   3    93.6kg   1kg
Wed   10  92.5       1.1
Wed   17  90.6       1.9


1.2kgs and two more weigh-ins to go.

There were tears of happiness this week, the hard work is definitely paying off. I can fit into my new jeans and do them up, but not comfortably. I must be 89.4 by Wed Dec 1 2010 to achieve my goal and I am damm well gonna do it! HOWEVER, I have now set my sights on being 85kgs by Christmas. I had a bit of a fright this week in the realisation that this challenge is coming to an end and I thought 'shit, what's going to hold me accountable now.' My scare was that when I finish I may just relax a little and the weight will creep back on - NOT GONNA HAPPEN BABY.....!

I'm going to allow myself a reward at the end of this, bathe in the glory for a second, so to speak, and then reset my goals.

I haven't been this weight since I was in my 20's and I can definitely confirm that 'nothing tastes as good as what skinny feels.'


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