Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Confession.

No fat loss this week, thankfully no gain either, and it's my own fault! I'm so weak, I gave in to temptation and now I'm feeling a little annoyed at myself. I could blame the public holiday on Monday - it's strange cause when I'm around food all day at work I don't think about it, but on Monday all I wanted to do was eat and catch up on some sleep, however, the only one to blame is myself.

I'm not going to beat myself up too much though because at least now I know exactly what I can eat to maintain my weight and as Craig (Master Trainer & part of my support crew) said this morning - 4 kilos in 4 weeks is still very good going.

Me with 3 of my sisters. I was 137 kilos. Why did I let this happen?
I shudder when I think of where my 'Head Space' must have been at this time.

Another one, I had just climbed the steps (175 I think) to the entrance of the Batu Caves in KL Malaysia. I can remember feeling totally stuffed. I'm going back one day just so I can run up them. My sister says my man boobs look bigger than hers. Why didn't I see this when I looked in the mirror?

97 kilos

I'm currently 95.3 kgs and, believe me, now when I look in the mirror I can see fat. My closest friends tell me that I've lost enough, that I look great, don't loose anymore. My goal was always to be under the 100kgs and now I want to be under 90kgs. I WILL DO IT THIS TIME!


PS I just remembered how amazing it felt to fly when I'd lost the 40kgs. I felt like I was in first class, it was so comfortable. There was even about 30cm left on the belt, I could even cross my legs. I remember laughing when I found out that the meal tray could actually be pulled forward towards me - that never happened before as it was always wedged up against my stomach. When I see fat people flying now I can't help but think of how uncomfortable they must be.......

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What a Week!

Current Weight 95.3kgs, that's a loss of 1.6kgs, the most in one week so far and a total loss of 4.1kgs in 3 weeks. I must admit that I'm a little surprised and very happy. This accountability factor is keeping me in line. I wore shorts to work today that haven't fit comfortably for ages, it's such a good feeling. At the end of this I may have to buy a complete new Summer wardrobe - dam what a bummer! I can actually notice a real difference in myself, my tummy has shrunk and my face isn't so puffy, but to date no one else has noticed and that's what I'm waiting for. Lot's of customers enquire on my progress which sometimes makes me laugh cause if there's one thing that keeps me on the straight and narrow is someone asking me about it. Any thoughts of deviating from the plan go away immediately.

The Diet

Breakfast ~ 1 cup of natural muesli with 250mls of rice milk, 6 fish oil capsules and 1 multi vitamin.
I use rice milk as I'm also on a cholesterol lowering diet.

Snack ~ A piece of fruit

Lunch ~ 3 cups of salad vegies with 120gms of canned Salmon (or 120gms of very lean chicken breast) with a dressing of balsamic vinegar, squeeze of lemon, fresh herbs and a grind of fresh pepper. Totally yummy.

Snack ~ A piece of fruit and a few raw unsalted nuts.

Dinner ~ 120gms lean protien (beef, chicken, fish or scallops) with leafy greens, small amount of roasted sweet potato (not every night) steamed green beans, bbq corn on the cob, mushrooms that have been marinaded in a little lemon juice and garlic.

Sometimes I'll have a little crumbled feta cheese and a few olives tossed through my salad but until my cholosterol is back in order I'm going to avoid all other diary.

Being a chef I like to be creative so I do mix things up to keep it interesting, but this is my basic daily diet and, although, it may sound boring to read, I'm really enjoying the natural flavours of fresh, live, natural, healthy foods that leave you feeling satisfied and not weighed down like you've just eaten a brick. By the way, I still enjoy a glass or 2 of wine twice a week.

This diet, along with my training is working wonders for me. Obviously my energy in - energy out ratio is a well rounded formulae and will be adjusted when I've reached my goal. I don't reccommend anyone following this diet without the advice from a health care proffessional. We're all different.

Any questions, just ask. I'd love that.



Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm No Stranger To Weight Loss

2 Weeks Down ~ Ten Weeks to Go!

A loss of 1.1 kg - current weight 96.9 kg.

I'm stoked with that. If I keep going like this I may even loose more than the ten kilos I hope to do before my challenge ends. It is possible to loose weight faster I know but I'm going by the old rule of 'the slower you loose it, the least likely you are to put it back on'.

I must have been a mouse in an earlier life as I'm really missing my cheese. I could eat cheese three times a day, and all kinds of cheese at that, I'm yet to find one that I don't like. (by the way, I'm not talking about those artificially coloured rubbery yellow poor excuses for cheese either - it's just the good stuff for me.) So my plan is the same one as I've adopted for chocolate - have a small piece or 2 of the best quality I can find once a week and enjoy it really slowly. I have to purchase small amounts and not have any left in the house at night in case I weaken. I have totally de-crapped my kitchen cupboards of all things fattening because night time is when I usually like something sweet or naughty. I never think about sweet foods during the day which is good I suppose but when my days work is done and I sit down to relax and watch telly in the evening those nasty little voices in my head start wrestling with my conscience. I am trying now to change my evening routine, altering the chain of events that leed me to the same battle most nights. Now, instead of sitting down in front of the tv, I take my 2 small dogs for a walk (easier now the weather is warming up), read a book, drink lots of water or do some work on the computer, keeping my mind occupied I guess, and it's helping. Anyway, I'm only cheating myself if I loose control and that makes me feel really lousy the next day.

My Training at Lifestyle Improvers has been my saviour. Big statement I know but it's true! I almost border on the obsessive when I'm telling people about how much more I'm getting out of life since joining that I'm aware that I could be annoying them with my raving on. Folks ask me if I'm on the payroll but I'll happily chat to anyone who's interested for free with the hope that I could inspire them to do the same. I can't praise David & Craig enough for their professional guidance. Knowing myself as well as I do I'm totally amazed that it's almost 12 months now and I still look forward to each of my 3 sessions a week with genuine enthusiasm.  I definitely know that if I walk in feeling crap, I'll walk out feeling on top of the world.

I'm no stranger to weight loss (I used to be 137 kg - I'll post a few photo's soon) I've been over weight all of my life. My initial goal was to get under the 100kg and I did that 12 months ago. My weight loss journey has been just over two years now. Lifestyle Improvers has helped me maintain and get stronger - so much stronger. Now it's time to loose the next 10 to 20 kgs and for the first time in my life feel free.

I'm off for a walk with my dogs to the park while the sun is still shining.

Till next time.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Will Power or Won't Power?

This weekend was a real stretch for the willpower, my mind kept telling me I was hungry even after I'd eaten all the yummy and nutritious foods that I'm allowed. Thinking about it now, they should actually call it won't-power. Instead of telling myself 'I will' have this and 'I will' have that I was telling myself 'I won't' have anything at all, and that takes power. So there you go, It's Won't Power from now on! Having these cravings must have something to do with the weekend being my usual relax/friends/social time. I watched a movie on Sunday afternoon and for the first time since I can remember I never had any chippies or chocolate or ice cream and I must admit that it did feel like my throat had been cut. Whoever has heard of watching a movie with no treats at all, next time I'll have to make myself a fruit platter?  With David's help I'm starting to train myself to change my habits and to practice more positive self talk. On a side note I once heard that a certain supermodel said that nothing tastes as good as what skinny feels, and, not wanting to offend anyone, even though I'm a long way from knowing what skinny feels like I still kind of agree with where she's coming from.

The best feeling while waking up this morning was quickly thinking about what I'd eaten yesterday and realising I'd been so good. It's such a relief knowing that I don't have to start over again. (I have been on that self destructive merry-go-round before, it's exhausting.) I gave myself a pat on the back and somehow it gave me the strength to maintain my focus all through the day, which was great as the Cafe was pretty slow and I'm a full on sufferer of 'boredom eating' - made even harder by being surrounded by lots of yummy food. I don't want to lose sight of the big picture - fitting into some recently acquired Calvin Klein Jeans that I deliberately purchased 2 sizes too small.

One more day till my next Weigh In and I already feel like I have lost weight. My tummy isn't feeling as bloated either.

I'll be back on Wednesday to report my weekly result and let you know about my diet and training.

I'm pooped so it's off to bed for me.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Committment

The Spring Challenge ~12 weeks & 10 kgs of Body Fat Gone, totally realistic goal - sounds easy enough! Well It's now or never as I'm really unhappy with the shape of the person who stares back at me when I look in the mirror and those negative little voices going on inside my head! Not to mention my Doctor telling me that if I'm unable to control my cholesterol with my diet in the next 3 months I'll have to take a daily tablet, my blood pressure isn't ideal, the extra stress it's putting on my heart and limbs and, just for good measure, diabetes runs in my family.  I'm sure that anyone carrying too much weight will have heard it all before. 

Why make it so public? (It wasn't even my idea,  details on that another time.) The more people to know about this and to share my experiences the better. I've never been one to step aside from a challenge or to back away from hard work but sometimes my motivation subsides and I fall back into old habits. This will hold me accountable, I mean, how silly will I look at the end of this if I'm still the same 99.4kg. I will die from the embarrassment.
Although at the end of this I'm going to feel pretty bloody good at the risk of sounding cliché the Cancer Council of WA will be the real winner. I am asking people to sponsor me with a donation or by the kilo with all funds raised being matched by Cafe Mulberries going to much needed cancer research.

I promise to 'keep it real' throughout this journey and to share all the highs and lows. I welcome all comments, questions, ideas, experiences, recipes & tips.

1st Weigh In - Wed 01/09/2010 - 99.4kgs
2nd Weigh In - Wed 08/09/2010 - 98kgs A LOSS OF 1.4kgs

Woo Hoo! How good does that feel! I was even a bit naughty this week by having a couple of glasses of wine on Sunday afternoon. 1.4kgs may not sound like a lot to some but if I can average that each week I'll be a very happy chappy.

All weigh ins and measurements verified by Lifestyle Improvers.

Later I will share my Diet and Exercise Regime.

Bye for now,
