I'm not going to beat myself up too much though because at least now I know exactly what I can eat to maintain my weight and as Craig (Master Trainer & part of my support crew) said this morning - 4 kilos in 4 weeks is still very good going.
Me with 3 of my sisters. I was 137 kilos. Why did I let this happen?
I shudder when I think of where my 'Head Space' must have been at this time.
Another one, I had just climbed the steps (175 I think) to the entrance of the Batu Caves in KL Malaysia. I can remember feeling totally stuffed. I'm going back one day just so I can run up them. My sister says my man boobs look bigger than hers. Why didn't I see this when I looked in the mirror?
97 kilos
I'm currently 95.3 kgs and, believe me, now when I look in the mirror I can see fat. My closest friends tell me that I've lost enough, that I look great, don't loose anymore. My goal was always to be under the 100kgs and now I want to be under 90kgs. I WILL DO IT THIS TIME!
PS I just remembered how amazing it felt to fly when I'd lost the 40kgs. I felt like I was in first class, it was so comfortable. There was even about 30cm left on the belt, I could even cross my legs. I remember laughing when I found out that the meal tray could actually be pulled forward towards me - that never happened before as it was always wedged up against my stomach. When I see fat people flying now I can't help but think of how uncomfortable they must be.......