Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'm No Stranger To Weight Loss

2 Weeks Down ~ Ten Weeks to Go!

A loss of 1.1 kg - current weight 96.9 kg.

I'm stoked with that. If I keep going like this I may even loose more than the ten kilos I hope to do before my challenge ends. It is possible to loose weight faster I know but I'm going by the old rule of 'the slower you loose it, the least likely you are to put it back on'.

I must have been a mouse in an earlier life as I'm really missing my cheese. I could eat cheese three times a day, and all kinds of cheese at that, I'm yet to find one that I don't like. (by the way, I'm not talking about those artificially coloured rubbery yellow poor excuses for cheese either - it's just the good stuff for me.) So my plan is the same one as I've adopted for chocolate - have a small piece or 2 of the best quality I can find once a week and enjoy it really slowly. I have to purchase small amounts and not have any left in the house at night in case I weaken. I have totally de-crapped my kitchen cupboards of all things fattening because night time is when I usually like something sweet or naughty. I never think about sweet foods during the day which is good I suppose but when my days work is done and I sit down to relax and watch telly in the evening those nasty little voices in my head start wrestling with my conscience. I am trying now to change my evening routine, altering the chain of events that leed me to the same battle most nights. Now, instead of sitting down in front of the tv, I take my 2 small dogs for a walk (easier now the weather is warming up), read a book, drink lots of water or do some work on the computer, keeping my mind occupied I guess, and it's helping. Anyway, I'm only cheating myself if I loose control and that makes me feel really lousy the next day.

My Training at Lifestyle Improvers has been my saviour. Big statement I know but it's true! I almost border on the obsessive when I'm telling people about how much more I'm getting out of life since joining that I'm aware that I could be annoying them with my raving on. Folks ask me if I'm on the payroll but I'll happily chat to anyone who's interested for free with the hope that I could inspire them to do the same. I can't praise David & Craig enough for their professional guidance. Knowing myself as well as I do I'm totally amazed that it's almost 12 months now and I still look forward to each of my 3 sessions a week with genuine enthusiasm.  I definitely know that if I walk in feeling crap, I'll walk out feeling on top of the world.

I'm no stranger to weight loss (I used to be 137 kg - I'll post a few photo's soon) I've been over weight all of my life. My initial goal was to get under the 100kg and I did that 12 months ago. My weight loss journey has been just over two years now. Lifestyle Improvers has helped me maintain and get stronger - so much stronger. Now it's time to loose the next 10 to 20 kgs and for the first time in my life feel free.

I'm off for a walk with my dogs to the park while the sun is still shining.

Till next time.


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