Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Confession.

No fat loss this week, thankfully no gain either, and it's my own fault! I'm so weak, I gave in to temptation and now I'm feeling a little annoyed at myself. I could blame the public holiday on Monday - it's strange cause when I'm around food all day at work I don't think about it, but on Monday all I wanted to do was eat and catch up on some sleep, however, the only one to blame is myself.

I'm not going to beat myself up too much though because at least now I know exactly what I can eat to maintain my weight and as Craig (Master Trainer & part of my support crew) said this morning - 4 kilos in 4 weeks is still very good going.

Me with 3 of my sisters. I was 137 kilos. Why did I let this happen?
I shudder when I think of where my 'Head Space' must have been at this time.

Another one, I had just climbed the steps (175 I think) to the entrance of the Batu Caves in KL Malaysia. I can remember feeling totally stuffed. I'm going back one day just so I can run up them. My sister says my man boobs look bigger than hers. Why didn't I see this when I looked in the mirror?

97 kilos

I'm currently 95.3 kgs and, believe me, now when I look in the mirror I can see fat. My closest friends tell me that I've lost enough, that I look great, don't loose anymore. My goal was always to be under the 100kgs and now I want to be under 90kgs. I WILL DO IT THIS TIME!


PS I just remembered how amazing it felt to fly when I'd lost the 40kgs. I felt like I was in first class, it was so comfortable. There was even about 30cm left on the belt, I could even cross my legs. I remember laughing when I found out that the meal tray could actually be pulled forward towards me - that never happened before as it was always wedged up against my stomach. When I see fat people flying now I can't help but think of how uncomfortable they must be.......

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