Thursday, September 23, 2010

What a Week!

Current Weight 95.3kgs, that's a loss of 1.6kgs, the most in one week so far and a total loss of 4.1kgs in 3 weeks. I must admit that I'm a little surprised and very happy. This accountability factor is keeping me in line. I wore shorts to work today that haven't fit comfortably for ages, it's such a good feeling. At the end of this I may have to buy a complete new Summer wardrobe - dam what a bummer! I can actually notice a real difference in myself, my tummy has shrunk and my face isn't so puffy, but to date no one else has noticed and that's what I'm waiting for. Lot's of customers enquire on my progress which sometimes makes me laugh cause if there's one thing that keeps me on the straight and narrow is someone asking me about it. Any thoughts of deviating from the plan go away immediately.

The Diet

Breakfast ~ 1 cup of natural muesli with 250mls of rice milk, 6 fish oil capsules and 1 multi vitamin.
I use rice milk as I'm also on a cholesterol lowering diet.

Snack ~ A piece of fruit

Lunch ~ 3 cups of salad vegies with 120gms of canned Salmon (or 120gms of very lean chicken breast) with a dressing of balsamic vinegar, squeeze of lemon, fresh herbs and a grind of fresh pepper. Totally yummy.

Snack ~ A piece of fruit and a few raw unsalted nuts.

Dinner ~ 120gms lean protien (beef, chicken, fish or scallops) with leafy greens, small amount of roasted sweet potato (not every night) steamed green beans, bbq corn on the cob, mushrooms that have been marinaded in a little lemon juice and garlic.

Sometimes I'll have a little crumbled feta cheese and a few olives tossed through my salad but until my cholosterol is back in order I'm going to avoid all other diary.

Being a chef I like to be creative so I do mix things up to keep it interesting, but this is my basic daily diet and, although, it may sound boring to read, I'm really enjoying the natural flavours of fresh, live, natural, healthy foods that leave you feeling satisfied and not weighed down like you've just eaten a brick. By the way, I still enjoy a glass or 2 of wine twice a week.

This diet, along with my training is working wonders for me. Obviously my energy in - energy out ratio is a well rounded formulae and will be adjusted when I've reached my goal. I don't reccommend anyone following this diet without the advice from a health care proffessional. We're all different.

Any questions, just ask. I'd love that.



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